Monday 1 August 2011

Good things come in threes.

The 'rule of three' is a rhetorical principal that posits things that come in threes are inherently funnier, more satisfying and more memorable than, say, things that come in pairs. The rule applies to everything from musketeers to blind mice to De La Soul songs. And when it comes to bins, three is indeed the magic number.

Oliver spotted this terrific trash triptych in Pottergate, a community carved down the middle by a giant dividing wall designed to keep leafy pink mansions well clear of 'unsightly' waste receptacles. Having grown up on the 'wrong' side of the barricade, Oliver is an oracle of bin trivia. He was quick to inform us that many bins in the area are marked with three letters – "P.W.S" – the calling card of a notorious East Anglian bin spotting graffiti gang.

Thanks for this holy trinity, Oliver. That's three thumbs-up from us... and, I'd imagine, three bullets in the back from a sniper's rifle should you ever try and climb that wall!